Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thanks, day, what is it now? Eleven?

Today my man left for a business trip far, far away for a WEEK! I am sad. Bubba and I drove home from the airport kind of lonely and out of sorts (is anyone ever "in" sorts?). Now, my man is not, you know, Mr. Here Let Me Do Those Dishes You Go Rest And Work On Your Blog or anything. In fact, sometimes I get annoyed (imagine!) at his sloppiness and inability to turn his crippling perfectionism to the housework. But he did make an effort to clean up his sprawl before he left. I love that, but not having him or his stuff rattle around here with me makes the place kinda quiet and echoey.

So today I am thankful for music. It filled the car on the rainy drive back: Eddie from Ohio, some jazz from the radio, always my celebrity boyfriend Lyle Lovett. When we got home to our dark, strangely clean house: Johnny Cash, Barenaked Ladies, and for bubba, Tom Chapin. It made the hours pass much more quickly.

And funny that I have music on my mind today, because Anna over at The End of Motherhood? invited my submission for "Songs we sing to our children." I hum "Simple Gifts" to bubba several times each day for his naps. I love it. It makes me happy and calm, and I like to think that it has the same effect on bubba (though it might be my boobies). In the interest of full disclosure I do not get dressed up in a tuxedo for my own performances like Mr Sims here, nor can I seem to remember the words past the first line. Which is just as well because I couldn't e-nun-ci-ate half as well as he does. But here is a nice performance of it by Robert Sims.

And I am tagging WhoSheShe, Suzanne and Melanie for this, have fun!


Anonymous said...

Perfect. Look for it in the thingamajig on my page! Thanks for playing and do you know you can tag others to play?

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the tag! This will be fun.

She She said...

Thanks! I used to sing a lot of songs to my oldest, and it's been tapering off since then. My middle likes my singing and often sings along. Unfortuantely, whenever I sing to my youngest, he shakes his head violently, "No! No!"

Mrs. G. said...

I like your taste in music...particularly love Lyle and the Man in Black. Fun post...thanks for the video clip.

Alex Elliot said...

I didn't know that song!

Melanie said...

I love "Simple Gifts." I love old hymns, in general, as the new stuff makes me kind of antsy.

Also! You're a Lyle lover! We most certainly have that in common.

Bea said...

I sing "It's time for boots and coats / It's time for coats and boots / It's time to go to fill-in-the-blank / It's time for coats and boots" to the tune of "The Grand Old Duke of York." (Though I didn't realize that's where I got the tune from until I hummed it to myself just now.)