"All you have to do:
Post each day in November."
WHAT? An understatement.
I felt the burn, but
I SO did that daily post.
I win! Victory.
I write better now
Now a well-oiled blog machine.
New blogger friends too
Now time for a break
Off to warm place for awhile
To think up new posts
Thirty days of thanks
Thank you, boogiemum, thank you
Thanks, NaBloPoMo
I hope you check back in mid-December for my triumphant return. It's been a fun and wild month, and surprisingly intense. Think of me here, recuperating, nursing my mouse finger back to health with margaritas and long naps.

WHAT? An understatement.
I felt the burn, but
I SO did that daily post.
I win! Victory.
I write better now
Now a well-oiled blog machine.
New blogger friends too
Now time for a break
Off to warm place for awhile
To think up new posts
Thirty days of thanks
Thank you, boogiemum, thank you
Thanks, NaBloPoMo
I hope you check back in mid-December for my triumphant return. It's been a fun and wild month, and surprisingly intense. Think of me here, recuperating, nursing my mouse finger back to health with margaritas and long naps.

Oooh, that sounds good! I want to go there now too!
Dip your toes in some blue water for me, would you?
I'll be checking over here regularly to see if you're around. It has been such pleasure blogging with you.
Have a safe and relaxing trip.
Oh, man, are you going to Mexico?
Have a margarita (or five) for me.
Hope you are renewed
In the lap of paradise.
Happy vacation!
Have a wonderful break. See you on the other side.
Congrats on lasting the 30 days :)
I hate you just a little bit right now. Have a great time.
Thanks for stopping by my place (well, my imaginary one...).
Hope your time away is relaxing and peaceful.
hey your blog design is very nice, clean and fresh and with updated content, make people feel peace and I always enjoy browsing your site.
- Norman
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