"All you have to do:
Post each day in November."
WHAT? An understatement.
I felt the burn, but
I SO did that daily post.
I win! Victory.
I write better now
Now a well-oiled blog machine.
New blogger friends too
Now time for a break
Off to warm place for awhile
To think up new posts
Thirty days of thanks
Thank you, boogiemum, thank you
Thanks, NaBloPoMo
I hope you check back in mid-December for my triumphant return. It's been a fun and wild month, and surprisingly intense. Think of me here, recuperating, nursing my mouse finger back to health with margaritas and long naps.

WHAT? An understatement.
I felt the burn, but
I SO did that daily post.
I win! Victory.
I write better now
Now a well-oiled blog machine.
New blogger friends too
Now time for a break
Off to warm place for awhile
To think up new posts
Thirty days of thanks
Thank you, boogiemum, thank you
Thanks, NaBloPoMo
I hope you check back in mid-December for my triumphant return. It's been a fun and wild month, and surprisingly intense. Think of me here, recuperating, nursing my mouse finger back to health with margaritas and long naps.