Bubba has recently started coloring, thanks to his father who thought that daddy-bubba coloring time was a good idea (he also thinks crawling and walking are good ideas...whatever. He seems intent on facilitating the disappearance of my eight-pound baby). And so Jeff comes bouncing home from the store with Crayola crayons. Memmmmmm...reeeeeeez...all alone in the mooooon..liiiiight....
Several of my friends worked in the Crayola factory for summer jobs. They hated getting assigned to the chalk department because of the dust. I've never been there myself but seriously. Crayola crayons. Who on this earth has not heard of Crayola crayons? It kind of makes me famous by association. I know what you're thinking...you just sort of sensed that I seemed special, different, headed for greatness, right? Now you know.
At least there were no cheap waxy knockoffs in our school, we got the real deals. It still gives me a little thrill to see "Easton, PA" on every box, though I see they have outsourced some of their manufacturing to south of the border.
If you go to my hometown you can even visit the Crayola Factory Discovery Center. Which of course they didn't build until after I moved away so I missed out on the fun. I don't have any people left in Easton except a few school friends but totally planning to take bubba there some day. Crayons!
Other claims to fame? Larry Holmes, the boxer. Mike and Ike's candy. Bethlehem Steel. And Allentown, from the Billy Joel song? Right down the road (listen to the song here). Totally depressing, but we loved it, and it is still on the radio there all the time. I was in a friend's wedding in Colorado a few months ago and she had them play this first at the reception. We were all, woooooooooo! ALLENTOWN!
Now you go! (Wait! Is this a MEME?) You are prolly from somewhere way awesomer like Manhattan and famous for the Rainbow Room or something. That's cool. I can take my crayons there, order scrapple, and color on their tablecloth.
I had resubmit my comment with correct spelling. I am getting new glasses in January to deal with the farsighted issue. Anyway I said:
I remember my favorite uncle giving me the 64 count coloring box that had the sharpener in the back. It was my favorite birthday present at the time. All that cool sophisticated colors. I still remember the fresh tips and the sweet waxy smell of those crayons. Good memories.
I have always LOVED the smell of crayola crayons....In fact, the kids have caught me sniffing their box. What are you DOING, mom? Mmm..what, oh me? That is a very cool claim to fame. And you've defintitely got it by association. This was a great post, very funny and I loved Memmmm...reeeezz...all alone...
The little chubby hands on the keyboard are adorable on your blog header!
Thanks so much for commenting on my blog.
We are close enough to Hollywood to say that plastic surgery is the claim to fame.
That's pretty cool. But I think I've got you beat. Have you seen the most awesome movie ever..."Footloose"? Yeah, that was filmed in my hometown. The tractor chicken fight? Yeah, my parents back yard!!
Who doesn't love crayons! Axl Rose is from my hometown!
I, too, love crayons. (Too many commas?). I love the smell of them. They remind me of my school days and my years of teaching. Good memories!
I always liked shaving them and then pressing them between two sheets of wax paper with a warm iron. On, the ugly fun...that and crayon resist.
May you find a little scrapple in your stocking, wrapped first in grease resistant paper. I would love some.
Happy Holidays to you and your family. Thanks for checking in, I appreciate it so.
I just saw canned scrapple in the Vermont Country Store catalog and thought of you.
My hometown was home to the J.R. Simplot potato factory. And almost once every day, the west side of town smelled like french fries, which is not as appealing as one would think.
Er... yeah. I'm from Manhattan :D
Fun post!
Mark Twain wrote, married, and is buried (along with his wife and daughters) in my hometown.
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